Student Workshops
All our workshops for Grades K -12 help teachers address ELA and SEL standards. Students develop skills to visualize elements of stories, understand plot and characters, make logical arguments and cite textual evidence in their writing.
All activities can be readily adapted for the special needs or English Language Learner (ELL) classroom.
Our Results
Independent evaluators found our programs increase student academic achievement.
United States Department of Education Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Program
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Bringing Literature to Life K-2
Arts integrated lessons with Grades K - 2 combine storytelling, movement, art, music, puppetry and role play with writing and drawing activities. Emphasis is on the joy of expression, early literacy skills, and working together creatively in pairs and groups.

Bringing Literature to Life 3-8
Interactive, theater-based workshops help teachers address ELA and SEL state standards, and motivate all levels of learners to become better readers and writers. Students develop skills such as visualizing, making logical arguments, and citing textual evidence. Workshops develop student writing across genres.

Inspiring Young Writers
The Inspiring Young Writers sessions feature lively, out-of-your seat, and engaging activities helping all levels of learners build positive associations with writing. Young people brainstorm, collaborate, and generate writing in various genres.

Drug & Alcohol Prevention, Anti-Bullying, Social Justice
For all grade levels, these lessons help students examine important issues they face daily, such as understanding strong emotions, how the company we keep matters and how the choices we make, and the assumptions we have, affect not only ourselves, but others as well.

High School Arts Integration
An innovative series that incorporates argumentative writing into the art or language arts curriculum. Visualization and observation activities lead to exploring, interpreting and writing about images, including photographs and famous works of art.

Jersey City History Project
The Jersey City History Project was a virtual presentation that promoted an appreciation of history among youth in Hudson County.
The four-lesson series centered around notable figures and landmarks of relevance to the Afro-American experience in Jersey City. This relevant and engaging program was designed to be shared with middle school classrooms, libraries, and other community organizations around the county.